Tag Archives: giftfritt

“But I’ll be tougher than tough and smarter than smart… and earn my money honestly!”

We rely heavily on the state, our politicians and the law. We believe that they keep tabs on everything and that we are protected. However this is only one side of the coin as it’s really all about the money. Industries strive to increase yearly production and earn more and more money in order to stay

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Real food

Because science probably haven’t discover all the enzymes, vitamins and biological functions of hormones and minerals, it is safer to use foods that are not processed and grown organically, which obey the laws of nature.  This diet has helped humans thousands of years before any science developed. In this way, we get all the vitamins and

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Spring is on its way!

Slowly but surely, winter’s grip is loosening and many of us wants to start growing our own food. I think it is a wonderful time when you can start thinking about what to cultivate this year. Last year my plan was to only grow a few crops but it ended up with probably 20 different

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